Dutch Roadmap to Marine Energy

The marine energy strategy is an integral part of the Dutch national target of achieving 16% renewables in 2023 and a 49% overall CO2 reduction in 2030. As a positive outcome of the position paper "Energy from Water", set up by DMEC and Energie uit Water (EWA), Dutch Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate, Eric Wiebes, agreed on drafting a Roadmap to Marine Energy in 2020. The goal of the Roadmap is to consider the role of marine energy within the national strategy and future policy making. This is done in close alignment with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management.

On a national level, knowledge institutes, technology companies and joint ventures join forces in the Marine Energy Community. Represented by DMEC, the Marine Energy Community coordinates sector-relevant input to the Dutch Roadmap for Marine Energy as well as the membership of the Netherlands in relevant initiatives such as Ocean Energy Systems (OES) and the International Renewable Energy Institute (IRENA).

NL-MARINERG-i in ESFRI Roadmap 2021

European research & open water testing research infrastructure MARINERG-i, including Dutch infrastructure NL-MARINERG-i, is selected as one of 11 new projects that are included in the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) Roadmap 2021. Dutch research institutes and test facilities that are part of this collaboration, consist of lead partner Dutch Marine Energy Centre (DMEC), Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ), TU Delft, Deltares, Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR), Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN), Wageningen University & Research, HZ University of Applied Sciences and TNO. Key focus of MARINERG-i is to accelerate the research, development and deployment of wave, tidal, offshore wind and combined Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) technologies.

For more information on the NL-MARINERG-i project and it's partners please find the overview here.