The Netherlands is uniquely positioned to drive innovation in the marine energy industry. We believe this can only be achieved if market players, government and research institutions work closely together. As policy frameworks make or break innovation, we support various government entities in their pursuit of a favourable environment for marine energy innovation.

Pivotal for this pursuit has been the support of the Marine Energy Community. Marine energy technology companies and research and test facilities joined forces within this community to coordinate sector-relevant input to the Dutch Roadmap for Marine Energy as well as the membership of the Netherlands in relevant initiatives such as Ocean Energy Systems (OES) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).

Internationally, we work closely together with governmental entities to explore new markets. Recent examples of this include the collaboration with NLinBusiness, our participation in the Dubai World Expo and our efforts to position the Dutch infrastructure within the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) Roadmap 2021.

"Over 6 years of collaboration, DMEC has proven itself as a strong partner, highly regarded by the ocean energy industry and as motivated to assist in its development as we are!"


Rémi Gruet

CEO Ocean Energy Europe (OEE)