Civil structures like barriers, dams and bridges are given added value by generating clean energy from the free flow of water. Plans for new infrastructures or major renovations in existing structures are ideal moments to think about integrating smart solutions that increase the value. This could be utility scale grid connected solutions, but also stand-alone power plants to sustain the operations of the infrastructure itself and/or provide access to modern energy services.

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Quisque ullamcorper odio sit amet mi blandit, eget pretium sem gravida. Suspendisse sollicitudin id lectus ut rutrum. Nunc dapibus, ex tempor viverra facilisis, orci urna scelerisque sapien, eget gravida metus dui vel ligula. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Praesent placerat, leo sit amet dictum malesuada, lacus nisl accumsan augue, bibendum sodales nulla ex nec justo. Ut volutpat, sem eu venenatis efficitur, odio quam sollicitudin lectus, id placerat arcu arcu vitae dolor. Suspendisse at consectetur quam. Nunc aliquet rhoncus dolor non hendrerit. Fusce tempus faucibus sem, id euismod diam volutpat at. Etiam in commodo ex. Donec non quam accumsan, lobortis ex vel, efficitur eros.


Energised storm surge barrier in the Dutch Delta

The Eastern Scheldt storm surge barrier is the largest of the famous Dutch Delta works and a landmark of hydraulic engineering. As part of a major renovation project, a five-turbine tidal array of 1.2 MW was installed in 2015. This is the largest commercial tidal power turbine array in the world powering 1000 households. In 2019, the turbines supplied by Tocardo were refurbished to further optimise the performance of the existing installation.

Blue energy plant at Afsluitdijk, the Netherlands

The 32-kilometre-long Afsluitdijk is an important part of the Zuiderzee Works. It separates the Wadden Sea from Lake IJsselmeer, the Netherlands’ largest freshwater reservoir. Since 2014, REDstack operates the world’s first and only Blue Energy pilot plant generating electricity from the difference in salt content on either side of the barrier, using Reverse ElectroDialysis (RED). Continuous utility scale operation of a Blue Energy power plant delivers CO2 free, clean renewable energy around the clock, thereby complementing irregular wind and solar energy generation.

Floating bridge and power plant in Indonesia

BAM International and Dutch Expansion Capital will build, finance and operate a floating bridge and power plant across Indonesia’s Larantuka Strait, contributing to the infrastructure and connection between the islands of Flores and Andonara. Turbines installed beneath the bridge will generate up to 30 MW from the tidal movements, providing electricity to the grid and access to modern energy services for over 100,000 people in the region. The execution of the environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA / AMDAL study) started and further contracting is on the way.