To strengthen the voice of the marine energy sector, DMEC represents the Marine Energy Community. The aim of the Marine Energy Community is to collaborate and share knowledge to advance the marine energy sector. The Community consists of marine energy technology developers, research and test facilities, businesses in the offshore, maritime and delta-tech sectors, investors and policy makers.

Join our Community

Marine Energy Community members will receive our monthly newsletter, invitations for Community events and updates on relevant developments in the sector. Would you like to join our Marine Energy Community? Please sign up via the button on the right or contact Astrid Groot.

Advisory Board

The Marine Energy Community is strengthened by a multidisciplinary Advisory Board. This Board consists of key players from the Dutch Renewables Association (NVDE), (former:) the Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP), the Association of Dutch Suppliers in the Offshore Energy Industry (IRO), (former:) Netherlands Wind Energy Association (NWEA) and (former:) Municipality of The Hague.

Advisory Board

Olof van der Gaag

NVDE - Nederlandse Vereniging Duurzame Energie

Tjerk Suurenbroek

IRO - Association of Dutch Suppliers in the Offshore Energy Industry

Bastiaan Lammers

Former NWP - Netherlands Water Partnership

Hans Timmers

ECHT, Former NWEA - Netherlands Wind Energy Association

Liesbeth van Tongeren

Former Municipality of The Hague