To draw attention to marine energy as a sustainable energy source next to wind and solar, a full-size tidal turbine is on tour through The Netherlands. The Tocardo turbine, operational in the Afsluitdijk from 2013 to 2019, was first displayed in front of the Marine Energy Hub in honor of its opening on the 2nd of June 2022.

After being on display in the harbor of Scheveningen, the next stop of the turbine was Dutch science museum and interactive SDG House Museon-Omniversum. The turbine was was presented here as one of the innovative solutions at the 'You've got the Power' festival in the OnePlanet Expo.

And the turbine continues its journey! As from 28 November 2022, you can find the turbine in Amsterdam. As a showcase for marine energy, the turbine will be displayed at RAI Amsterdam during the Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference. You are welcome to take a look at the turbine at its new location!

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Marine Energy Hub

The Marine Energy Hub is a new place where the Dutch Marine Energy Centre (DMEC) brings together stakeholders and activities in the field of marine energy. Marine energy technology developers, knowledge institutions, the offshore and delta-tech industry, policy makers and investors around the globe meet and connect to further scale-up the marine energy sector.

Marine energy is a collective name for technologies that generate energy from our oceans, seas and rivers. These technologies capture energy from waves, tides, difference in salinity gradients, and the heat stored in surface ocean water. Marine energy is complementary to wind and solar energy and therefore an important building block in a 100% sustainable energy system.


Find out more about Tocardo here and by watching the video below.