Harbors & ports

Ports are known for handling large scale operations which consume sizeable amounts of energy, resulting in large day to day expenses and pollution-related effects. Port authorities and terminal operators are constantly looking for ways to reduce their fuel bills and carbon footprint. Measures for the provision of electrical supply to ships in the ports are of general interest.

Industrial processes

Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) technology is a unique solution to provide tropical islands with renewable electricity, fresh water, air conditioning and other services. It provides baseload renewable electricity 24h/24h. OTEC is also well suited to the production of fresh drinkable water from the sea. Deep seawater’s low temperature is ideal for desalination purposes, and is being brought onshore by the OTEC process. The combination of the power generation and the desalination process allows for more competitive electricity costs than a single process in isolation.

Offshore operations

Oil and gas companies are exploring renewable energy options to electrify their operational platforms. When powering offshore platforms with renewables, continuous power is important. Complementing wind and solar, marine energy offers solutions for the baseload energy need, providing platforms with predictable and reliable renewable energy. Moreover, one of the greatest challenges for marine users is the costs and availability of vessels and crews, as well as difficult and dangerous weather and sea state conditions. These factors have led to tremendous growth in the use of unmanned vehicles and sensors to patrol the ocean and collect data with limited or no human interaction. Marine energy solutions can be integrated in these remote offshore applications, smartly combining renewable energy generation with energy storage capacity.


Sustaining operations in the Port of Antwerp

The Port of Antwerp is committed to innovation as a key enabler for creating new business value and a future-proof port. In 2019, DeMeyer construction company in collaboration with turbine developer Water2Energy demonstrated a prototype model of a 150 kW water turbine in a sluice bypass channel. The outcome triggered further investigations on integrating tidal energy with the existing renewable power sources (solar panels and wind turbines) in a smart grid on the left bank of the port.

Onshore thermal power plant at La Réunion Island

Naval Energies has been conducting exchanger tests with the onshore Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) prototype installed on La Reunion Island since 2012. This tool enables the validation of future OTEC equipment. OTEC system is a key element of future cogeneration plants such as that of the Bois Rouge project on La Reunion Island, which, in addition to OTEC electricity production, aims at providing air conditioning, industrial cooling, aquaculture or desalination.

Wave powered offshore applications

Ocean Power Technologies' (OPT) PB3 PowerBuoy is a power and communication platform for remote offshore applications. The buoy is designed to serve as an uninterruptible power supply that constantly recharges itself using wave energy and operates in ocean depths from 20 meter (66 feet). This energy is harnessed to power on-board sensors (or even those on the seabed), allowing real-time data transfer and communication with remote facilities. In August 2019, Premier Oil deployed the PB3 PowerBuoy at its Huntington field in the UK central North Sea.